May 31, 2007

Filtering Spam from the University of Warwick's mail relay

I have spotted that IT Services in processing all mail for viruses also Tag the message if it suspects that it is spam. See the example and rules below. (These has been inserted as a picture because all the asterisks were confusing the blog editor.)

Spam Rules

- 2 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. I was most impressed when ITS tagged the following email as spam:

    This is to remind you that all library books must be returned on or before 12th June 2007 and outstanding fines paid by that date.
    If you have an exam after this date and need to keep your books for longer, please notify a customer services supervisor and they will extend your loans to one day after your exam.
    Tel: 024 765 22826
    Avril Finnie
    Senior Supervisor

    Very efficient… as per the ITS norm I suppose :-)

    31 May 2007, 15:17

  2. Robert McGonigle

    Your SPAM example made me laugh, thank you.
    You could not make it up!

    All the best for the end of your ‘exams over’ countdown – not long now.
    I am sure you will celebrate appropriately then.

    31 May 2007, 17:59

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