June 21, 2007

Collaboration in Action, in Research Funding, Plant Based Futures & for 2012

Writing about web page http://www.wmccm.co.uk/WMCCM/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=3&tabid=3760

I was struck recently by the wide ranging organisations that are now using the West Midlands Collaborative Commerce Marketplace, www.wmccm.co.uk at their collaboration platform.

Nikos brought together all the EU Framework 7, FP7, Challenges and requests for partners for the recent round of bids.

Grant has set up the http://www.ready-for-business.co.uk site bringing together an active cluster of the regions companies to bid for the new business generated by London’s sucessful bid.

I have been working with on www.district-rice.eu bringing research organisations and SMEs in Saxony, Västra Götaland in Sweden, and the West Midlands to explore plant based alternative products. The RICE Marquee at the Royal Show will bring together three teams from WMG as seen on WMG’s Events Page

Find out more about the other team members on WMCCM’s Who We Are

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