All entries for Thursday 01 January 2015

January 01, 2015

End of the World Predictions, a safer approach?

There have been many attempts to predict the end of the world. Many prophets interpreted the Book of Revelations such as William Alexander Miller. Many of the 100,000 ‘Millerites’ made his final date, 22-11-1844 personally true by ending their own life but thankfully most lived to be a little wiser. The Great Pyramid of Cleops became an inspiration as experts measured its dimensions to predict the end in 1881, then 1936 and finally 1953.

The wisest prophets selected a date far in the future way beyond their own life expectancy so as to avoid being proved wrong.

Another approach produced a better refinement to the first prediction.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses founder Charles Taze Russell was certain about the timing of the second coming. In 1910 he stated in Studies in Scripture that “The deliverance of the saints must take place sometime before 1914”.
In the 1923 edition of his book the they changed but one word from before to “sometime after 1914”!

They could safely update this again, this New Year’s Day afternoon, 2015 to “sometime after 2014”.

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