Shebang shebang
The "shebang" is the combination of characters #!, called "hash bang", and sometimes shortened to "sh-bang" or commonly "shebang". You might see this in the first line of things like Bash scripts, Python scripts etc, and wonder what its for, and how to use it. if so, keep reading.
Where does it come from?
The hash-bang combined character was introduced in the world of computers around 1979, although it took a while for the use to standardise. It's a nice, human readable and memorable way to encode two Hex numbers which have a special meaning to the underlying operating system. The hash name is pretty standard, the bang is a bit unusual. According to Wikipedia, the name "bang" for the character "!" was common in the 50s, possibly from comic book gun sounds (Bang!). If the title reminds you of something else about the 50's, you're probably thinking of Sh-boom sh-boom (Life could be a dream). That seems to show up anywhere a TV show wants to indicate the time period.
Where does it go?
In normal bash scripts (or Python), the hash character means a comment. It might then look like the "special" character is the exclamation mark after it, but that's not quite it. The shebang goes far beyond just bash scripts, right into the depths of the operating system. This means it is vitally important that this be the first characters in the file. There can be NO space before them (unlike a simple comment), NO space between them, and NO other characters before or between.
What does it do?
So what does it actually do? If a script with a shebang is run (e.g. typing `./scriptname` in the shell), the hash bang tells the operating system that whatever follows on that line is the interpreter to use to run the script. That is, it should name a program (in full - no relative paths here) that can run the script. Usually, this will be something like `/bin/python` or `/bin/bash` for Python or bash respectively. You can also specify a particular Python version e.g. `/bin/python3` and can do some things with passing flags (see e.g. Wikipedia for some details).
The handy thing about this is you no longer have to specify how to invoke the script, you just run it. If you're a mousey-clicky sort of person, once you've put in the shebang, if you set your OS to run the file (on Linuxes, choose Run not Display in prefs, on OSX choose to open with Terminal, on Windows this depends how you installed Python, see e.g. here) you can double-click to run, which can be handy.
What are the problems?
So that sounds great. But there are a few problems. The way we described using this above, specifying `/bin/python`only works on computers where that specifies the Python the user wants invoked, and where that path is correct for the system at hand. Lots of people might have multiple Pythons, and prefer one be used, or they might have installs in custom places. On Unix-like systems (including OSX) there is a handy utility to deal with this, namely `/usr/bin/env`. This program "knows" what the user has configured to be invoked when they type a program name, such as "python". You can check it by typing e.g. `/usr/bin/env python --version` into a terminal (shell). I get 2.7.10, or if I try python3 I get 3.7.7. The "normal terminal" is probably "sh" or "bash" (commonly those give the same), and you may have other shells such as csh, tcsh or zsh.
You can use this to get the right program with the shebang method too. Instead of `/bin/python` in the first line of your script, use `#! /usr/bin/env python` or bash or python3 and your script will be run with that. Remember to `chmod u+x` (change access mode) to make the file executable too!
Excellent as this is, it has its own minor issue worth noting. On some systems, bin/env will be handed everything that follows as a single command, such as "python --version" in the example we did above. So rather than looking up the "python" program and handing it the --version argument, it tries to look up some non-existent program with a space in the name. It is best to avoid passing any arguments in the shebang line!
Got it?
Hopefully that all makes sense. The shebang is slightly mysterious at first, but very handy once you know what it does.
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