September 05, 2018

Data structures 2 – Arrays Part 2

Part 2 of arrays is about dynamic (run time) sized arrays. That is arrays where you don't know how large they're going to be until the code is running. First, I'll go through it in Fortran because it is really easy in Fortran, and powerful array operations are one of the major advantages of Fortran.

Dynamic arrays in Fortran are generally called ALLOCATABLE arrays (there are also POINTER arrays, but they are generally harder to use for only fairly specific benefits), and you declare them pretty much the same way that you declare any array in Fortran


You then allocate it using


First, note that the DIMENSION(:) syntax in the variable declaration is the same as when you're passing an array to a function where you don't know how big the array is. This is the general way of telling Fortran "I don't know what size this is until runtime" (there are a few features where it's * instead for things like the length of strings, but in general it's :). Also note that I have explicitly allocated the array bounds, with the array running from 0 to 100 inclusive. If I'd just used


then the array would have run from 1 to 100 inclusive. In Fortran you can have any upper and lower bounds for arrays that you want which is sometimes useful. You do have to be careful though because unless you are careful when you pass arrays into functions these bound markers are ignored inside the function and the array just runs from 1:n.

Moving to multidimensional arrays in Fortran is easy.

ALLOCATE(myarray(0:100, -1:101))
myarray(10,10) = 1

will create a 2D column major array with the array bounds that I specified in my allocate statement. Job done. Fortran ALLOCATABLE arrays also have the nice property that they are automatically deallocated when they go out of scope so it's much harder to have memory leaks with Fortran ALLOCATABLE arrays (you don't have this guarantee with POINTER arrays because this doesn't make use of reference counting and garbage collection. It relies on the fact that there can only be a single reference to a Fortran allocatable.). If you want more control over when memory is returned to you then you can also manually DEALLOCATE the array


Before I start on the C section, I should note one thing: C99 and later standards do define variable length arrays (usually referred to by the acronym VLA). They aren't really very common in scientific code and they have all sorts of oddities about how you use pointers to them and where you can and can't use them (you can't have them in structs for example). Given their general rarity and strangeness (and the fact that they aren't valid in C++ before C++14) I'm not going to talk any more about them, but they do exist and you might want to look them up if you're writing a new code in C. 1D run time arrays in C are traditionally created using the "malloc" memory allocation function. You tell malloc how many bytes of memory you want and it creates a chunk of memory that long and hands you a pointer to it. The syntax is easy enough

#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv){
int * myarray;
myarray = malloc(sizeof(int) * 100);
myarray[0] = 10;

Note the use of the "sizeof" operator to find out how many bytes are needed to store an integer. If you want to write code that works on multiple machines you'll have to use this because integers are not always the same size. In most senses you can consider a pointer and a 1D array to be very similar in C. When you use the square bracket operator you get the same element of your array in both cases, and in fact the layout of the memory behind the scenes is conceptually similar (although if you want to be precise a static array will generally be allocated on the stack, while malloc gives you memory from the heap). Also, note that I have used the function "free" to delete the memory when I am finished. If I don't do this then there will be a memory leak. C explicitly does not keep track of memory at all. Sadly it gets rather harder in multiple dimensions.

malloc always gives you a 1D strip of memory, and there is no equivalent function to give you a multidimensional array in standard C. My preferred solution is just to allocate a 1D array and then use an indexing function to access the element that you want. For example

#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv){
int * myarray;
int nx, ny; /*Size of array to be filled somehow*/
int ix, iy; /*index of element to access to be filled somehow*/
myarray = malloc(sizeof(int) * nx * ny);
myarray[ix*ny + iy] = 10;

This will work perfectly and will give pretty good performance. Usually you'd write some kind of helper function or macro rather than having ix*ny+iy all over your code, but this shows the general technique. You do have to be careful writing your index function though because [ix*ny + iy] gives you a row major array and [iy*nx + ix] gives you column major. This can be useful but you need to be sure what you're doing. The other problem with this is that you can't just access your array as if it was a compile time multidimensional array. If you try to access this using myarray[ix][iy] you will get a compile error. This is because behind the scenes the [] operator dereferences your pointer with an offset (you can replace myarray[ix] with *(myarray+ix) if you like pointer arithmetic). Because of this when the first square bracket has happened you are just left with an integer, so the second square bracket operator is an invalid operation. So can you keep the multidimensional access? Yes, but there are always downsides.

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv){
int **myarray;
int nx, ny; /*Size of array to be filled somehow*/
int ix, iy; /*index of element to access to be filled somehow*/
int ind; /*Loop index*/
myarray = malloc(sizeof(int*) * nx);
for (ind = 0; ind<nx;++ind) myarray[ind] = malloc(sizeof(int) * ny);
myarray[ix][iy] = 10;
for (ind = 0; ind<nx;++ind) free(myarray[ind]);

This works by making myarray a pointer to a pointer to an int (int **myarray). You then allocate the outer pointer to be an array of nx pointers to int (note that my first sizeof is now sizeof(int*), not sizeof(int)!). You then go through all of these pointers to integers and allocate those pointers to themselves be ny element long arrays of integers (note that the second sizeof is sizeof(int)). This will work as expected, and you can now index your array with square bracket operators as normal, so what's the problem. The problem is that malloc doesn't give any guarantees about where the memory that you get back from it is located. In this simple test case the memory that you get will probably be layed out in a contiguous block, but in general this won't be true. By splitting your memory allocation up like this you are potentially creating a memory prefetch problem much like the one that you get by accessing an array in the wrong order, with similar effects on performance. There is a fringe benefit for this type of array : because the rows are allocated separately they don't have to be the same length as each other. It's tricky to make use of this property (because you have to keep track of how long each row is yourself) it can be very powerful for certain types of problem. On a related note you will often find that multidimensional arrays in C++ are created using std::vector<std::vector<int>> types. This in general has the same type of problem with memory not being contiguous, as you can clearly see from the fact that you can push back into each vector individually.

The final solution is to create a 1 dimensional chunk of memory and then rather than using an indexer function use a separate list of pointers to the start of the row. There are lots of ways of doing this, and this example isn't a terribly clever one but it does work

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv){

int nx = 10, ny=10;
int ind;
int **myarray;
int *buffer;
myarray = malloc(sizeof(int*) * nx);
buffer = malloc(sizeof(int) * nx * ny);
for (ind = 0; ind< nx; ++ind) myarray[ind] = &buffer[ind * ny];

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