All entries for Thursday 30 November 2023

November 30, 2023

Experimental work part 1: THe ragged Edge of Disaster

Our group has had some success in accessing time at experimental facililies as part of the National Nuclear User Facilities (NNUF) funding calls. One of these planned experiments is for time at the Bangor University Fusion Fabrication Facility (BUFFF) to study thermo-mechanical parameters, sintering parameters and hot corrosion.

We are also on the knife edge of making sure we have enough samples since we are waiting on other sample fabrication for another project that is subject to delays. So the risk of experimental work is not just contending with delays but also delays from other sources.

This is why contingency is critical when planning for experimental work - it is amazing how quickly the time can evaporate when you have to use it.

November 2023

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