All entries for Monday 05 February 2024

February 05, 2024

Roaring into 2024

This is the belated New Year entry simply because this group literally roared into 2024 with a white-knuckle ride to finish polishing all the remaining cWC sample in time for the planned beam time at the DCF facility on the 17th-19th January. And by deadline we mean the literall 11th hour.

Still, that is why you have contingency time when sample prepping and why we made contacts with contractors from October. Timing slipped hence the final push to get sample out in time but at least we were able to work together and get everything out in time.

There is also a plethora of papers this year to match the shear volume of practical work completed next year. Progress has been made on disimilar materials joining to test the proof of principle of cWC and RSBs with steel. The RSB material family has expanded to include Gen 3 compositions to explore the boron limit.

So now we have a mountain of data to process, papers to write and new experiments to run.

February 2024

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