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November 04, 2019

Every day counts

I attended a session called How to have it all: Stories of success from women in Science. We can never have it all, but we can do our best to keep a work/life balance. Everyone should be welcomed and encouraged into STEM but it surprised me there are few female workers(less than five probably I saw) at the National Automotive Innovation Centre where I visited in the Lord Bhattacharyya Building last week. I've known and benefited a lot from some female role models, so I know the importance of these positive role models to the next generation.

Apart from these brilliant women on stage, there is a young mother and her baby girl sitting on my right at the conference. The baby was put on the table, having fun with her toys and mumbling, or laughing from time to time. She was speaking her own language that is a luxury for us adults. But what surprised me was that her mom didn't ask her to hush her voice and to be quiet. She was just looking at her little angel and smiling. What a beautiful scene and I hope I could be as that patient and kind as she is to my baby one day.

Oh, another surprise is the view on the way to Gibbet Hill campus is fantastic, especially in Autumn! It's totally beyond description by words. I was lucky that I went to the medical school on foot this morning rather than by shuttle, otherwise, I feel like missing the best thing life could offer: Serendipity.

At noon, I had a typical British lunch there, which includes sandwiches, drinks and crisp. Sorry, my stomach just cannot enjoy the cold food. Then, I have walked to another workshop about defining a research question. I'm glad I didn't skip it because I met an inspiring new friend there. He is good at time management and he has even been to Tsinghua University with a scholarship. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I can tell that he is a hard-working, well-organised and ambitious student through the small talks on class.

Well, there're so many people and things here, every day, I can learn from to make a difference to my life.

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