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All entries for May 2020

May 26, 2020

Formative assessment for MBE

In today's KBAM class, we talked about the marks and feedback again. I'm more than glad that the learning environment is still active. I am not a party lover at all, but now I am eager to have a party with my MBE colleagues.

I remembered when I was in high school, I was quite impressed by a short article God's Coffee. A professor offers all kinds of cups to his guests for coffee: porcelain, plastic, crystal, glass, etc. People tended to choose the expensive and exquisite cups, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. It's understandble that we are easily attracted by those nice-looking cups.

But what we really want is the coffee inside. The cup itself adds no quality to the coffee and in some cases, it is so eye-catching that hide the thing that we value indeed. What we really want is coffee, not the cup. However, we consciously went for the best cups and then we begin eyeing each other's cups.

Same to the learning experience for students. The marks are just cups, they are just tools that does not define, nor change the quality of the knowledge we learn. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the marks, we fail to enjoy the learning jourey. That's absolutely a waste of time.

'God brews the coffee, not the cups. Enjoy your coffee!' (I missed the Turkish coffee that Kubra once brewed for me~)

May 25, 2020

Harvard (Warwick WMS) referencing style for Zotero

A couple of weeks ago, I came across the Zotero-Reference management tool and decided to use it for my dissertation within five minutes.lol

The only problem is currently I cannot find a Harvard (Warwick WMS) referencing style.CSL file online. It seems impossible...Anyway, I've attached one that I adapted from the Staffordshire university-Harvard.





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