All entries for Thursday 27 April 2006

BlogBuilder update

It's been a little while since our last update, but here is one a few people should appreciate, even if it is a bit late.

There has been a quite long standing bug that meant editing entries that were trackbacks blew up. The code for creating and editing entries was long overdue for an overhaul…and now it's had it.

Another advantage now is that the edit screen is now stateless, meaning that you are less likely to lose your data and should generally be able to recover from (a hopefully rare) an error by pressing the back button.

The preview has now changed too. It will now popup a new window and will show you your entry all styled up in your blog style. This also makes creating/previewing a bit quicker and hopefully more reliable.

We've also done a bit of work to improve the validation of the HTML that we use throughout BlogBuilder. Most people won't notice this, but it's there (although not yet perfect).

As usual, please let us know if you find any problems with these changes by commenting here and we'll do our best to fix any problems as soon as we can.

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