February 27, 2008

New BBC homepage

Writing about web page http://www.bbc.co.uk/

The BBC have a new homepage and it's all customisable and stuff. You can even click-drag-drop the different sections around the page.

People of a web dev inclination may like to check out the page source which contains a great example of how much grief Internet Explorer 6 causes anyone who develops web sites and cares about things like making their pages using valid (X)HTML.

- 4 comments by 3 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Steven Carpenter

    Not sure I like or need the customisable layout stuff, although the colour-changing UI is quite neat, but overall I really like the refreshed design. For some reason I spent ages admiring the retro-Flash clock ;-)

    27 Feb 2008, 22:44

  2. Mathew Mannion

    Multiple colours based around a single brand? Call the idea police!

    It is mighty purdy though

    27 Feb 2008, 23:12

  3. Andrew Ingram

    A coloured tab shouldn’t change the colour of the site unless the content of the site also changes. Looks like they added an override for that functionality in the customisation options though which is fantastic. Problem is that it was never a good idea to start with so you shouldn’t need to explicitly disable it.

    The BBC homepage needed an overhaul but they went the wrong way with it. It’s a shame because it’s obvious they put a lot of work into it.

    28 Feb 2008, 00:02

  4. Mike Willis

    “A coloured tab shouldn’t change the colour of the site unless the content of the site also changes.”

    I hadn’t noticed that behaviour having not clicked on any of the links which cause it. Looking at it now it’s really quite distracting. It draws attention away from the small part of the page where the content does actually change. I agree, not a good idea.

    28 Feb 2008, 08:47

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