January 25, 2011

Framework for a learning journey design workshop

I've been asked to run a design workshop for a planned online distance learning course. This is the framework I use. The aim of the workshop is to get as much information about points 1 to 6, plotted along a timeline that gives a strong indication of how the course will be constructed. Points a to b are additional considerations that might be covered. We will use "open space" approaches, physically creating fictional students (and possibly tutors) on the floor of the studio space, and mapping out the journey along the timeline.

learning journey design workshop

January 05, 2011

Design for a VLE interface linking lectures, seminars, readings, research based learning

An idea for an interface that presents typical Warwick undergraduate module structures, activities and events in an intuitive manner. The design aims to visually illustrate how the conceptual and practical outcomes of the module are mapped into the organisation of the module. The user is able to skim through terms, phases, weeks (topics) and resources with an iPhone/iPad style horizontal movement. Students are able to upload recommendations (links) and files into the large panel that contains materials relevant to each week/topic/lecture.

There is a higher quality PDF version for download. Or you can see plain and annotated images below:

Design for a VLE interface

And an annotated version:

VLE interface design annotated

December 23, 2010

Design for an assignment submission workflow user interface

We've been thinking about how the assignment submission, feedback and assignment return workflow might be presented to students. Of particular interest are these issues:

how to help students who are following courses in more than one department (including joint honours)

how to get support info and facilities to students in a cohesive and timely manner

Here's an idea for an interface. The assignments are time ordered, except that the most urgent issue (a missed deadline) always jumps to the top of the list. Traffic light colours are used to indicate urgency (amber meaning submit today, red meaning a missed deadline).

Each assigmnent has "more info" - one of these panels is displayed. In this case, the student has had the option of sharing draft copies.

In addition, it could be integrated with the Turn It In (anti plagiarism) system.

assignment workflow interface