All entries for August 2005
August 13, 2005
Lyon's rentabike scheme
Follow-up to Why campus bike hire won't work from Cycling to and around Warwick University
See link
The key point is that "high tech" is used to provide a strong incentive not to abuse the system. It's no use labouring under the hippy-era illusion that most people would be public-spirited enough to return bikes after use unless they knew they would be held accountable. Also "high-tech" cuts down on the paperwork.
August 10, 2005
Why campus bike hire won't work
Campus bike hire wouldn't be popular as most people already own bicycles so would bring their own if they thought cycling between sites was a good idea.
What about people who think they live too far to commute to campus by bicycle or think the roads are too unpleasant (e.g. from Leamington)? They might have a bike at home but won't want to take it to campus and leave it there, as then they won't have the use of it at home. Unless they commuted by bicycle which they don't want to do. Two bikes, one for campus and another for home is out of the question for most students as they are too poor.