August 13, 2005

Lyon's rentabike scheme

Follow-up to Why campus bike hire won't work from Cycling to and around Warwick University

See link

The key point is that "high tech" is used to provide a strong incentive not to abuse the system. It's no use labouring under the hippy-era illusion that most people would be public-spirited enough to return bikes after use unless they knew they would be held accountable. Also "high-tech" cuts down on the paperwork.

- 6 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. John Dale

    Very interesting. I suspect that the costs of implementing a scheme of this sort for the campus would outweight the likely benefits.

    13 Aug 2005, 11:37

  2. There's a very similar scheme in Brussels, where they have much the same issues. I really don't think that bike hire/borrowing on campus is going to fly – the distances just aren't long enough to make it worth the effort.

    13 Aug 2005, 13:40

  3. Well the Registrar thinks it's worth a feasibility study see link

    Although since that thread was being written there's been a move away from focussing on the technology to focus on the "market", with £2000 to be spent on investigating how often students and staff would use such a scheme.

    13 Aug 2005, 13:44

  4. John Dale

    Yes. I speak as a member of that group when I say that I think it's unlikely that a scheme of the sort you describe would be adopted. (I also note that the chair of the group has now left the university and there has been a fairly long silence in relation to the group since that time.)

    13 Aug 2005, 15:09

  5. So does that mean the feasibility study has been quietly dropped? It's a pity that a larger group of people wasn't sampled to discover what proportion thought they would use such a scheme.

    Personally I wouldn't as I don't travel between the extreme ends of the campus (Gibbet Hill and Westwood). Even if I did I would use my own bicycle, you wouldn't get me waiting around for minibuses. But I'm not representative of the wider body of students.

    13 Aug 2005, 15:57

  6. John Dale

    I don't know. Quite often in these situations, working groups are eventually resurrected if someone deems it important enough. But there has been no sign of that to date.

    13 Aug 2005, 19:17

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