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All entries for Friday 25 November 2005

November 25, 2005

Campus Development

Writing about web page http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/insite/campus_life/campusdevelopment/movementplan/

There is now information on the above webpage on the future of cycling in the development of the campus.

Enforcement of Road Traffic Law

A comment from Professor Peter Burnell

"If the University is serious about encouraging more folk to travel to campus by bike, then it should try to persuade the police to put cameras on the Gibbet Hill crossroads.
On an average day I note 3 vehicles speeding across on red or amber, just in the few minutes that I am passing through. Given that cyclists trying to turn right – across the traffic – have little enough time to complete the manoeuvre when the lights do change, the red/amber light speeding makes the situation that much more dangerous. If there is increased cycle traffic, it is only a matter of time before…
The practice is also against the highway code, and it brings the university into public disrepute (since much of the traffic committing the offence will be associated with the university. I recognise colleagues and students among the offenders!). For sure the police will say there have not been enough fatalities at these cross roads to warrant investing in a camera. But they do know that collisions between vehicles are a regular occurrence there. And the authorities would get their money back on day one, if installed boxes contained live cameras and not dummies."

November 2005

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  • This is effectively the implemented design, which seems to be a big improvement. by Andrew Marsh on this entry
  • I spotted that myself yesterday and I think it's thoroughly excellent. The difference in terms of sa… by Simon Harper on this entry
  • I see that a couple of islands have been added to provide a waiting space in the middle of the road … by George Riches on this entry
  • Congratulations Andrew thanks for all the hard work. by Simon Harper on this entry

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