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All entries for Sunday 16 October 2005

October 16, 2005

Routes from Kenilworth

Follow-up to Cycling from Leamington from Cycling to and around Warwick University

I've moved the comments about routes between campus and Kenilworth from "Cycling from Leamington"

Mark Downes


I have recently started cycling from kenilworth to campus. Could you please tell me the best best/quickest routes?

Many thanks

06 Oct 2005, 09:23

Trevor Brown

Re Kenilworth-Campus: quickest and safest from Kenilworth is along Coventry Road (unlit 'til you get to the posh houses, so if you use the footpath when the clocks change then I won't tell), left at the Gibbet Hill crossroads, right into Gibbet Hill Campus, along the cycle path through Tocil Wood. Depending on where you're going, the safest way to the main campus road is to turn right towards the Health Centre and up Health Centre Road. Reverse to get home! Your route through Kenilworth will depend upon which corner you live in.

The Stoneleigh road to Gibbet Hill crossroads isn't very nice – big hill and grumpy traffic.

06 Oct 2005, 16:54

Catherine Fenn

Re Kenilworth – Campus
A possible alternative route (from the Castle side) for main or westwood campus
Beehive Hill/Clinton Lane junction down A452 to Red Lane (using the rough footpath for short stretch) up Red Lane (long upwards drag) turn right onto Cromwell Lane then take next right onto Westwood Health Road (down hill!).
This takes you down to the Kirby Corner Road/Gibbet Hill Road roundabout.

07 Oct 2005, 10:15

Steve Rumsby

That right turn from the A454 onto Red Lane is a major pain when there's lots of traffic. Not only do you have to wait for a gap in the oncoming traffic, you have to worry about the traffic from behind that really doesn't like being held up. But if you wait on the inside you have to find a gap in the traffic in both dorections at the same time. Not nice.

Apart from that, this is a nice ride. Depending on your starting point this is probably longer than Trevor's route, but more pleasant.

You could also go through Crackley, I suppose, but the road is narrow and the cars that usually drive along there like their speed. It can be a bit intimidating.

07 Oct 2005, 14:32

George Riches

Clive Dove-Dixon used Hollis Lane for 8 years until he moved to Leamington. Use Cryfield Grange Road to access the Gibbet Hill site or Crackley Lane to access the main site or Westwood.

See link

Re Crackley Lane – perhaps the local council (Warwickshire CC ?) could be approached to add traffic calming.

08 Oct 2005, 11:44

Trevor Brown

Re Kenilworth to Campus

Crackley Lane is a great route on a weekend, but a bit 'grumpy' at commuter times – there's a lot of blind corners too. It still about 9–10k I think (long time since I've rode this way home)

I often use Red Lane, and extend my commute round by Balsall Common and Berkswell, coming into Coventry via Tile Hill and Westwood Heath. Approaching and turning into Red Lane isn't my favourite bit. I think that the shortest variant would be a little over 10k – but I usually find 20k or so :o)

Coventry Road works out at about 6.5k for me.

11 Oct 2005, 13:11

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