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June 07, 2007

"PPC Advertising as a Marketing Intelligence Tool" published as …

Writing about web page http://www.themarketingleaders.com/articles/june07/magazine.html

Back at the Christmas break I wrote an article for The Marketing Leaders magazine that was published yesterday.

The editor has clearly done a good job in presenting it and even enhanced my web mugshot.

The words and flow are all still mine but it was interesting that the ‘link title’ and additional line, below, were all new;

Sensing customers with pay-per-click advertising
How can PPC be used to increase the effectiveness of your online advertising, and bring in sales and leads and a return on investment?

Should I be upset? Well Graham Jarvis, the Editor, knows his audience and clearly thinks that this is a better advert for the article.

So I wouldn’t argue with him.
But in the theme of the article; What about two versions of an e-Newsletter and split testing?

- 2 comments by 0 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Sam Tilston

    That is a great article, PPC is a very cost effective and easy tool to promote your business online. One of its best features is the ability to immediately track the return on investment of ppc monies to sales.

    19 Jun 2007, 11:07

  2. Graham Jarvis

    As with all editors I reserve the right to change titles, and I need to make sure that the article fits in with the monthly themes. Reader and contributor feedback about The Marketing Leaders is always welcomed.

    Robert’s article is to be highly commended for those seeking to find and get close to new or even existing customers.

    13 Jul 2007, 00:27

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