May 02, 2008

OFCOM says Coventry Analogue Cable switch–off is VM commercial call.

Follow-up to Coventry Analogue Cable Switch–off next week – 3 years ahead of Digital UK Plan! from Rob McGonigle on Internet Search & SMEs

Ofcom logoOfcom replied to my email explaining that the early switch-off of our analogue cable service, yesterday, was a Virgin Media commercial decision and told me to find a better aerial / satellite dish fitter.

A Sky salesman has been in the road and found 5 more neighbours that are in the same boat. He was selling a ‘better dish’ that can pick up the signal through the trees. I am not convinced as the signal depends not only on brute signal levels but also error rates caused by the leaves and movement. Some of the neighbours are in better positions so we will see how they get on. The Sky man did observe the prevalence of mini-dishes caused by the poor Freeview reception and declared.

Whitley has become a Sky village.

My experience with Virgin Media’s customer service has not improved even after they cut the house off. The direct debit was not adjusted so VM have charged me for days with zero service. I stripped out their ancient cable boxes last night as they run very hot. Whatever I use in the future will use less power than these heaters.

- 3 comments by 0 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Rob McGonigle

    Chasing my overpayment of £4, I have needed to speak to four VM ‘customer service’ people to find that I had to request for the money to be sent back by cheque!

    07 May 2008, 09:48

  2. Will

    I live in Earlsdon, and find myself in a similar position (although with the use of an amplifier I can get freeview), I simply do not wish to subscribe to sky. I emailed Greg Bensberg [] and FYI received the following reply;

    “Dear Sir

    The continued operation of analogue cable systems is a matter for the cable operator to decide (Virgin Media in your case) and is not subject to regulatory control or oversight by Ofcom. I am not aware of any national plan by BT to withdraw feed services from the head end but as far as broadcast services are concerned they will continue to be available in your region until digital switchover which is scheduled for 2011.

    Digital UK is responsible for co-ordinating the digital switchover programme and providing viewers with information about their options for switchover and you can find further information about the timing of switchover for region at the following location

    If you wish to make a complain about Virgin Media or BT you should first look at the ofcom website for details.


    Greg Bensberg

    ::Greg Bensberg

    Principal Advisor, Broadcasting

    020 7981 3734
    07979 644 558

    Riverside House
    2a Southwark Bridge Road
    London SE1 9HA
    020 7981 3000

    07 May 2008, 14:07

  3. Links of London

    Digital UK is responsible for co-ordinating the digital switchover programme and providing viewers with information about their options for switchover and you can find further information about the timing of switchover for region at the following location/Links of London

    13 Mar 2010, 08:13

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