March 14, 2007

A 'thank you' to Mike Smith and other messages

Writing about web page

I have been pleased to have gathered comments from the community who met Mike through business but who grew to know him as a friend.

I have also found this thank you email from Rebecca.

Dear Mike,
I am sure you have probably forgotton about the parts you made for me as its almost a year ago, but here are some pictures of the bird boxes I made for my final project whilst I was finishing my three dimensional degree at Northumbria University.
The part you made became the back-door which you can see in a couple of the pictures.
Bird box back doorBird box frontBlue bird box with back door removedBlud bird box in tree
Sorry it has taken me so long to send these picks, but I wanted to say thankyou. I came out of the degree with a first and am now back at Northumbria University as a designer in residence under Trevor and the other tutors guidance. I am finally recieving orders for the boxes and so will be intouch, if thats ok to place another order for the same sort of thing.

Rebecca’s project was the latest in a series of student design projects at the Northumbria University that Mike has helped with. Mike Smith has also been involved in the design projects of some of the department staff there and they are looking through their photo library to see if they can compile small gallery of Mike’s work.

When I have these images I will add them here, to a photo share somewhere and onto

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