December 17, 2018

Perches, Post–holes and Grids

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I and my MSc student of two or three years back, Clair Barnes, produced an appendix, Perches, Post-holes and Grids, for a book being prepared by John Blair et al., arising from the project, Planning in the Early Medieval Landscape. You can find it on arXiv <> of course! The appendix is aimed at demonstrating the application of statistical methods to the analysis of archeaological data, typically expressed in graphical form, with the objective of assessing the extent to which the spatial configuration exhibits planning by the original architects. Typical questions: did the builders use a common unit of measurement over a wide geographical region? to what extent is there evidence that they used a grid pattern when designing groups of buildings?

The name of the game is to contribute a statistical assessment to be mixed in with all sorts of other historical evidence. It's fun doing statistics in new areas like this: one learns a lot of stuff one didn't know before, and it provides a brilliant excuse to visit Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms <> during the working week.

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  1. Stats MSc student publishes in Early Medieval History

    It is not unheard-of for Stats MSc students to find their MSc dissertation leading to a publication, but rather less common for the publication to be a component of a book on early medieval history! But that's what happened to Clair Barnes' MSc dissertati&hellip;

    Random Curiosities - 03 Jul 2020, 12:27

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