All entries for Tuesday 13 April 2010

April 13, 2010

Vote for Gary's mother.

I popped in to the city centre on the way home from work earlier and my attention was drawn to a small group of people gathered around someone saying something, incoherent with distance, in to a microphone. Then I noticed there was a bunch of Police hanging around. On closer inspection the person with the mic turned out to be Jack Straw. For those of you who are currently thinking 'who?' he's the current Secretary of State for Justice. (Is it just me, or is 'Ministry for Justice' a rather sinister name for a government department?) It seemed a rather odd set up given the position in government he holds. There seemed to be just him and a couple of people holding signs with the Labour logo on them. Not holding them aloft placard style or anything, just holding them around chest height so they were mostly obscured by the spectators, even when you got close. He wasn't on any kind of stage or raised area. Not even an old soap box. Maybe it was supposed to be some sort of connecting with the common people type exercise. Odd.

I've just remembered I've actually spoken to Jack Straw on a previous encounter. Well I say talked. He asked me for a malt whiskey. He was Home Secretary at the time and I was a barman at Scarman House. He wandered off without paying.

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