All entries for Thursday 07 October 2010

October 07, 2010

Where am I?

Writing about web page

If you are one of those people who might be able to tell where I was when I posted this by looking at logs, you'd think I was on campus because of the IP address. Except I'm not. I'm at home. Magic? No, it is of course merely sufficiently advanced technology in the form of a VPN.

The System Requirements for Linux machines for some reason single out two distributions, presumably those known to meet the requirements listed afterword. I'm using openSUSE 11.3 which isn't on the list but it seems to work fine. The only glitch I've seen is that when the client install finished it told me "If you have GTK 2.10.0 or later, look for the icon in the notification area:" and there was no such icon, even though a quick visit to whatismyip showed the connection had worked. Selecting the Cisco client from the Application Browser resulted in the icon appearing as expected though.

One very minor gripe I have is that the client installation process doesn't bother to tell you what it's installing or where it's installing it. A quick bit of detective work reveals it puts stuff in /opt/cisco (and a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications) and there's a script called in there.

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