All entries for Wednesday 01 March 2006

March 01, 2006


unhappy faceI have been suffering from insomia for quite a long period.

Browsing the blogs, I found some tips (by Hannah Jamieson). Here they are as follows:

1. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon/evening – it can disturb some peoples sleep.
*I totally avoid tea and coffee now so this one does not apply me.*

2. Have a hot bath an hour before going to bed (or a shower). This raises your body temperature and then lowers it in such a way to induce sleep.
*I normally have a shower in the morning, but from today will give it a try to have it in the evening instead.*

3. Have your room dark, and well ventilated with a window open. It is best to have fresh air around your head with your body warm.
*Though spring is here now, it is still a little chilly in the evening to have windows open. Will try this in the summer time if my sleeping problem is still not solved by then.*

4. Establish a ‘winding-down routine’. Stop working at least an hour before going to sleep – this stops your mind being too overactive to sleep.
*I guess thinking of the work when going to bed is the main reason to cause my insomia. Sometimes if some tasks are not finished within the day, I always think them at home and plan them for the next day. I hope that I could gradually get rid of this bad habit.*

5. If you go to bed and can’t sleep, read a book until you feel sleepy!
*This is a good one. But to me it is a newspaper reading instead of book reading. I did find it very useful when I found out my sleeping problem. For a period, I kept reading the newspapers which did successfully make me forget the work. So I should really keep doing it. Just remembering to buy newspaper everyday is difficult.*

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