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April 30, 2018

CES–CTE #WomenEd Festival of Leadership: Saturday June 9th 2018 – Hannah Wilson and Deb Outhwaite

CES-CTE #WomenEd Festival of Leadership: Saturday June 9th 2018

Hannah Wilson and Deb Outhwaite

University of Warwick staff from both the Centre for Education Studies (CES) and the Centre for Teacher Education (CTE) are hosting an event for 200 women teachers and leaders involved in the grassroots #WomenEd Twitter movement, that now has more than 18,000 members. The Saturday June 9th event, to be hosted on the Westwood Campus at Warwick is a ‘Festival of Leadership’ celebrating educational research with women teachers and leaders in education. We have both our own Provost Chris Ennew, and the Sheffield Hallam University Provost Christina Hughes; both our Directors of Education Centres: Emma Smith and Kate Ireland and keynotes from Professor Farzana Shain (Keele) and Jaswinder Dhillon (Worcester).

What is #WomenEd?

#WomenEd is a collaborative network and the values of #WomenEd have evolved as the community grows. Our main mission, however, is now concrete – to inspire and empower more women in education to become leaders. We have also identified a set of principles that we call ‘The 8 C’s’, in accordance with which we will aim to:

  • Confidence: coaching our community to be 10% braver
  • Clarify the issues
  • Communicate the solutions
  • Connect existing and aspiring leaders
  • Create an inclusive and interactive community
  • Collaborate and share experiences
  • Challenge the systemic barriers
  • affect Change, by collating evidence demonstrating the impact of inclusive/diverse leadership models

Regional Structure

#WomenEd was founded by seven educational leaders from various backgrounds and sectors. To increase our capacity and our reach, we have since recruited 60 volunteers around the country to co-lead our activities in 12 regions across the country, including Scotland and Northern Ireland. In the East and West Midlands we are really lucky to have some of the high profile names in gender and educational leadership such as Professors Farzana Shain and Jaswinder Dhillon who are doing our Keynotes, and also an Associate Professor Kay Fuller at the University of Nottingham, who is an expert on women and headship, and co-convenes the BELMAS RIG on Gender and Educational Leadership: http://www.belmas.org.uk/Rig-GEL/Overview

Together, #WomenEd plans to identify and meet the local needs of women in education, and create a series of bespoke regional events. Throughout the year, our volunteer Regional Leaders connect and collaborate at a series of events, where they will identify regional priorities and plan regional activities. The 12 regions each have their own group within the #WomenEd community in which to share ideas, resources and opportunities. Come and join in!

So if you are interested in #heforshe, and live or work somewhere in our Midlands region, why not come and join us on Saturday June 9th for our Festival of Leadership? Tickets available here:

Any questions or queries to Deb Outhwaite: d.outhwaite@warwick.ac.uk

April 09, 2018

BELMAS Leadership Preparation and Development Research Interest Group – Dr Deborah Outhwaite

What is a RIG?

This summary explains the Leadership Preparation and Development RIG: what its aims are; how to get involved; what the benefits are of participation. As we all know, education policy is a fast-moving area. Consequently, Research Interest Groups (RIGs) are established when a group of academic colleagues team up with a group of practitioners to discuss and research the changes that are happening in a particular area. The BELMAS (https://www.belmas.org.uk/) Leadership, Preparation and Development Research Interest Group is open to all those who have an interest in researching leadership development in its broadest sense, including educational leaders, researchers and research students. Its aim is to build a forum and network capable of generating and facilitating exchange and partnership on a continuing basis across the full range of research interests, professional contexts and contemporary issues relating to leadership development, and the ways in which we prepare leaders in education for their roles.

The group might appeal to colleagues researching the changes in leadership preparation and development. This could include colleagues researching social policy, Initial Teacher Education, postgraduate education, those involved in CPD, those involved with recent NCTL developments as it becomes part of the DfE from April 2018, those involved in SSIF and TLIF bids, and so on.

Benefits from participation include:

  • Membership of a community of researchers engaged in advancing the understanding of leadership development
  • The opportunity to collaborate or correspond with colleagues engaged in similar studies, research or activity
  • The opportunity to identify and explore contemporary issues linked to leadership development
  • Participation in future events specifically covering issues related to leadership development

Networking and further information on this RIG's activities will take place in the members' area of the BELMAS website. Membership is free for the first year, if you apply before April 1st 2018.

Why should I be involved?

For teachers who are busy, but interested in their landscape, a RIG meeting is a day where a lot of connections can be made between researchers and practitioners that everyone benefits from. For students of educational leadership at all levels, a RIG is a great way to ‘dip your toe’ into an event to see if you like it, and the people involved, before you commit the time (or the money!) to attending a whole conference. Many RIGs (or SIGs as they are called in some organizations) hold free or day-cost only events where teachers, researchers, and students can present posters; research; or listen to panel events from experts on our changing educational landscapes.

Current Research:

We have just finished working on a Special Edition of the SAGE Management in Education journal to be published Easter 2018, on Leadership Preparation and Development: http://journals.sagepub.com/home/mie/

If you would like to come along to any events, and see what we do, please register on our Leadership Preparation and Development RIG page on the BELMAS website, or contact D.Outhwaite@warwick.ac.uk, we look forward to you joining us.

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