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June 02, 2020

Blackout Tuesday – Secondary SSLC reps

Today is Blackout Tuesday and Secondary SSLC representatives from the Monday and Friday cohorts are raising awareness about racism and structural racism.

Hate crimes have risen in the UK by 10% since 2017/18

Here are some useful resources on the understanding of this and the question of identity:

  1. Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
  2. The Renni Edo-Lodge’s podcast and book, http://renieddolodge.co.uk (episode number 2), talks about Education.

Race should not to be understood in the biological sense but in the sociological sense. Systemic oppressions deserve to be studied in order to deconstruct them. A paper dated from 2016 released by the Centre for Research in Race and Education from the University of Birmingham is also available for consultation:


In line with this, the Warwick International Higher Education Academy (WIHEA) is looking at understanding BAME students’ experience; a project which has been ongoing for the past few months. You may want to register your email address should you wish to be kept informed about this.

Furthermore, you may have experienced triggering situations yourself, and should this be the case, the University has systems to support students and trainees who have had these experiences. You can get in touch with Rachel (R.A.Cooper@warwick.ac.uk) and the Warwick Wellbeing Team.

Best wishes,

Your SSLC Course Reps

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