October 29, 2008


This is the blog for people studying the  course : ERP Integration

Purpose: To provide a space in which you can share your ideas, understanding and questions about mySAP ERP and its various modules.

Please be polite and considerate of other people's views even if you disagree.

- 6 comments by 1 or more people Not publicly viewable

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  1. Navneet

    Well, the much awaited course provided by SAP is about to start. I found about the demand for the course and its tremendous. Compnies are actually looking for people who are experts with ERP system. But, we have to look into more details to make this course a fruitfull one.

    19 Jan 2009, 13:25

  2. Please when is the first lecture?

    24 Apr 2009, 11:49

  3. Does anyone else have a login problem? I do.

    30 Apr 2009, 20:36

  4. I have a problem after taking the pre-assessment… I am not able to move one to the next step after the assessment results… Any clue?!

    02 May 2009, 23:24

  5. All the best and good luck to those who haven’t taken exam, if you did commit your time on studying, you would pass it for sure. xxx

    16 Sep 2009, 01:00

  6. Dear Neil Many thanks

    i am unable to find the link for the Briefing for the SAP Add-on. Could you please kindly paste the URL for the briefing here.

    08 Nov 2009, 14:48

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