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March 21, 2019


I have also felt that the questions are more important than solutions at this point of time while I am in university. Although there are questions that I am trying to fing answers to. The question of , "How to drive change" always makes me curious. In order to change the current situation of the SSIs, I wouls like to apply the strategic change dimensions for driving it. First of all I need to ask my organisation the question of Why do I need to change? For this I need to measure the current capabilities and the compettencies of my organisation and compare it with the outside environment. I am still figuring a way out in order to find a way to measure the organisational capabilities. This will also help me to move one step ahead in my dissertation. This step is followed by asking what and how to change? Whether I need to change the organisational culture or something else? The how question is the phrase that will guide me to the right place. Kolb's reflective cycle is one other way in which I can grow. Th ereflection cycle can be useful in making a culture of organisational learning philosophy. What if all the employees in my organisation can follow this reflective cycle? Deming's PDSA cycle also comes into picture here. I fing a lot of similarities between these two cycles. The major difference is that PDSA is a process based cycle where you plan and learn whereas reflective cycle you don't plan any thing.

In the simulation exercise in the MOC module there was a lack of communication in the organisation in the Day 2 of the exercise.This was a major reason where the organisation was not able to learn. Once you don't talk to each other there is no learning. Learning comes with sharing. I would want my organisation to communicate well and be transparent in the operations. reflection will lead to fast failure. Fail and learn fast and move ahead. The employees did not know what the R&D department was doing nor did people know about the sales. This is because of the lack of communication. Once people are not communicating there are not able to understand what is their interdependent relationship. This becomes necessary for all the departments to run together. The end of day 2 was a bit disappointing because of the underperformance of the team. There was a need for better communication within the team. As a leader my role was very important in such a scenario. It is not always going to be easy to manage people to change. If I apply this change model in SSis, these difficulties of people not listening and resisting, miscommunicating, misunderstanding will always occur. It is my responsibility as a leader to implement change.

Today's day started with the tools and techniques to implementing change. The whole process has been made into a mindmap. There were some important questions that always came up into my head. We always talk about Continuous improvement culture. But how can I do it? How do I measure the CI or the organisational capabilities? ISO certificate can be an evidence of the capabilities but it still does not convince me. Also while looking at the problems I learnt that the way you ask the problem influences the solutions of the problem. For example for SSis, "How to make more money?" will have different solutions than" How to develop organisational capabilities?" Both problems are intended by the manager to help the business grow but the solutions given by the organisational capability problem does give a more holistic approach for orgsanisational development. The answer of the question "How?" is not very easy but at the same time very interesting.

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  • Good post Saurabh. I agree that sustainable success in any field cannot be achieved through a quick … by Paul Roberts on this entry
  • Thank you for your thoughts Paul. Critically analysing the point, most of the business have short te… by Saurabh Kukreja on this entry
  • Lots of thoughts here Saurabh. Picking up on your last point, perhaps the starting point is to consi… by Paul Roberts on this entry

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