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November 15, 2018


We all are into a very interesting week of our study, Currenting doing the "Process Improvement Using Six Sigma" module. I believe six sigma is more statistiacl controls and measurements , it is a single loop improvement tool. There is a reason why I am interested by this module. Back in India my organisation does not use the measurement systems to define outcomes, it just uses the experience. If there is a decrease in sales or profits, generally the cited reason is the recent government policies. The question that arises in my mind is , "What if the process of our organisation is not stable enough to support those changes?" It can be possible that the situation never improves if a better process is not introduced.To manage processes efficiently and effectively, it is important to instil the measurement mechanisms. The outcome can not always be a guesswork, it is important to make control charts. I feel control charts could be the first step to start measurement mechanism.

Other inherent feature of human beings is to resist change. Introduction of such mechanisms can cause people to resist it. It may even take some time to get it right. It is necessary to keep on learning the Statistical Process Control. All tye successful manufacturing organisations follow this up, example the control charts and process indicators that I spotted at JCB.

Most maangers fail to understand the concept of common cause and special cause. I look forward to imbibe this teaching in the coming week. Once I have a stable team and a stable workforce, I can go out and look at my processes. But I do not really know how to define stability scientifically. Then probably I can start off by implementing the control charts and even further after I can think about six sigma. It is a powerful tool. One teaching from today, "Never give bonus based on the Common Cause." It is so easy to understand yet so difficult. I always think about quality goods, yesterday it got defined. It means on target with minimum variation. I always have to eye the target. There are no acceptable limits to target. Just the eye of the fish to target. Also,"Averages are meaningless without the knowledge of variation". A very deep thought.

As the blog entry heading suggests, a good manager will only focus on the process, not the result. My mentor MS Dhoni(one of the most prolific cricketer in this era) always talks about the process as well. Slowly and steadily this teaching is dripping down my mind. The hitting the target with the golf ball simulation played yesterday was a good example of this as well. What it taught actually was that do not try to introduce changes without measuring the results. Taking a link from my last blog, think critically before you do something , remove any personal or emotional bias. Most managers end up with changing the process without even having a good sample space by measuring the process.This lands the company into trouble.

Dr. Deming once said, "Drive out Fear" ; therefore if we focus on process and not result we can drive out fear. I think that most of the organisations in my sector are making decision-driven data not data-driven decisions. The only thing that comes into my mind is that it is going to be a very long journey,let's sit tight and enjoy it. Feeling excited and anxious at the same moment.

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  • Good post Saurabh. I agree that sustainable success in any field cannot be achieved through a quick … by Paul Roberts on this entry
  • Thank you for your thoughts Paul. Critically analysing the point, most of the business have short te… by Saurabh Kukreja on this entry
  • Lots of thoughts here Saurabh. Picking up on your last point, perhaps the starting point is to consi… by Paul Roberts on this entry

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