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July 19, 2019


It is the last month of my masters that is coming up. As the title rightly suggests, it is the time for the final sprint. I have been reflecting regularly about my daily experiences. Since the past few weeks I was feeling a bit choatic about the strategy that i have to make. I have identified the major problems through data analysis. There som emajor themes that have emerged which need improvement in. It includes process improvement, supply chain inventory, logistics and operations. There are certain ideas that came into my mind that I can include in my roadmap.

This reflective blog aims to structure those ideas and work on them further. The first thing will be to improve the processes and making them stable. There are a lot of ways to do that. The most important thing will be to find the bottlenecks in the processes. It involves making the maps and flows of all the processes and start identifying the bottlenecks. After standing and observing the processes and bottlenecks it will be necessary to actually make and standardize data on the cycle times and the lead time for all the processes. Actually just doing this thing and communicate a brainstorming session with the top management will help to solve a lot of loopholes in the process. Once I know the lead time of my operations then I understand my process better. In order to integrate the whole supply chain then it is necessary to know your demand. Do the unorganized companies know their demand? I doubt that. There has to be a separate program for that purpose as well.

There are a lot of talks about the quality management systems in the literature. I think the basic start of quality will be from the observation on how do we do things? What are the products and tools that we require to manufacture one particular product? Are the inputs standardized? It will be more about how do you do the things? For instance I will observe the chemical pasting technique on the shoe sole. It will help to make a huge amendament into the current process and ensure the quality of the product. One thing very necessary to ensure quality is the flow of the whole business. Along with the flow of the materials it is important to record the information flow of process. How the information flow can also help us to ensure the quality. If there are the right check points about the product quality in the process then it can help in maintaining quality with right information flowing. The data flow of the process can also help in the quality management. The data on the defects counting, rework products can also help improve the quality.

We talk about the operations and the thing that comes into the mind is the lean production. The very first basic thing will be to apply the 5S and the 7 waste techniques. Just making sure that everything is in place and there are no wastes in the processes. I learnt about some techniques such as the value stream assessment for checking the whole process flow. If I look at the current processes in the value stream assessment, i think I can identify the main areas and bottlenecks in the business that I can target. For instance the customer gives order, it goes to the sale department for verification and updation of the records, then that goes into the ERP system data feed, with which a new forecast is made and also the materials are ordered looking at the production capacity and the production schedule. This is the process of normal companies. But does the unorganized manufacturing businesses have even this process? This is something to be considered. This is all judged on the basis of process flow mapping. Once other interesting tool that I observed today was the swimlane tool. It is also very effective to showcase the processes. It segregates the processes on the basis of different functions and it is very important to see the interlinkages.

All the strategic roadmaps are developed by first of all seeing the current state then the desired state. Today James Black showcased me his work on the roadmaps. The first was the process flow of the whole organization. then he identified the loopholes in the process. For instance, the organization was not undertaking the forecasting with the data and the sales order. So he recommended those changes with the new swimlane map which showed at what point in the process should the organization forecast. this will vary organization to organization. Right now if I can just focus on inward operations and supply chain of the organization, that will be really great.

Now I think one strategy that I have to make will be that of data collection points and themes. It is very necessary. The roadmap that I saw today was actually good. I have some ideas about it to add on. There can be two swim lane themes such as operations projects and the technological projects. In the operations project I can suggest that there should be scrap recording (as it is the KPIs for the operational excellence and quality). Then I can introduce the kanban and production planning project. Then I can introduce a project to get in the layout and flow of a critical parameter or process that was identified in the value assessment. Value assessment is more holistic than the value stream map. The technological projects will support my operational projects. This way I can put in process projects as well. Like the ERP project or the Data analysis project will be beneficial to support the flow and bottleneck project.

Lot of things can be done. Just using the stick it notes with the directors and telling them what is wrong can also be of much use. The visualization solves much of the problems. There are some data collection points in mind such as the cycle time, defect rate, or the sampling data. Look at demand segmentation concept once more. I found it interesting the amount I read. I ll read it more. I think I am ready to amke the startegy. Let's go ahead with it.

October 11, 2018


"Loosing creativity is normal but NOT NATURAL." Mind Mapping is a very strong tool to reflect back on your thoughts and therefore put your thoughts in a more structured way. It is a tool to help your brain find the link to various thoughts. I have made mind maps during my school days as well, but during those days I was not able to realize it's potential. It literally applies with everything , same happens with human beings. Once you realize your limitless potential you understand your importance and able to apply yourself better. Everything in this universe runs on belief. If you believe it can be achieved. A very important concept that has registered into my mind is that of THE ATRA OF CONCERN AND INFLUENCE. One you find your area of concern(Purpose) , one just needs to increase their influence and undertake human revolution. It is exciting to undertake something which is larger than yourself. To lead a meaningful and purposeful life you need to impact lives in a positive way. This is a never ending journey. Just do what your heart tells you to and everything will fall into place. Same applies with the mind map . Just pen down your thoughts and eventually you will get the structure that you desire for. Out of many things , one thing that I have learnt is very important - Life is a journey of continous improvement .

Just believe in your process (Enablers) and the results will follow. Quantitave Targets can be misleading sometimes.



In the above image the outer circle defines the area of Concern ( which can be referred to as your passion or interest). The smaller inner spiral is the area of influence. Once you have a larger objective to think about then you can slowly and steadily increase your area of influence. IT IS A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF THE EXCELLENCE IDEOLOGY. Nothing is a quick fix , all the results are achieved through quality processes.

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  • Good post Saurabh. I agree that sustainable success in any field cannot be achieved through a quick … by Paul Roberts on this entry
  • Thank you for your thoughts Paul. Critically analysing the point, most of the business have short te… by Saurabh Kukreja on this entry
  • Lots of thoughts here Saurabh. Picking up on your last point, perhaps the starting point is to consi… by Paul Roberts on this entry

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