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October 15, 2018

CRITICAL THINKING – An everyday process

It was an exciting day today , getting to learn about the EFQM model in detail. EFQM model is a framework and a structure to quality assessment. There were some exciting concepts that came up during the discussion. Each group was given a characteristic about the excellence model and were had to critically analyze. This is the most interesting part for me. You get to learn from the thought process of each group. I ll list them one by one.

Developing Organisational Capability -It is very important for an organisation to have a conducive environment that fosters growth. Team 2 came up with a point on how government organisations can help the business sector to learn and grow. Various partnerships with the Chambers of industry and businesses acn develop a leaning relationships. The reason why this point interests me a lot is because it presents a developing country like India a opportunity to eralize its potential. The state of indian manufacturing is not good considering its contribution to the GDP. Surely indian governments ahs developed such organisations. But have we done enough? Is there no scope of improvement? Have we developed a learning environment? It's just about setting the right processes in order and letting the results follow.

Adding Value- A very intersting point was raised when it was discussed that how investment firms divert their clients to other firms who can fulfill the needs of the customers. By diverting it's clients to a new organisation , a firm is winning it's client's trust. I have experienced such a situation when I was working with my father. I asked him whether it was a smart move because according to me we were loosing market. But as he explained it to me, businesses run on TRUST. "It's easy to defeat someone , but it is really difficult to win someone." That's how you add value.

Leadership- It is a term that really excites me. Leader is someone who has a mission, vision, and can inspire someone. Example of Mahatma Gandhi was quoted and rightly so. Paul once told, "managers do the things right, leaders do the right things."Can leadership be learnt? Is leadership just about winning and giving results? I think it is important for a leader to create a right kind of learning environment and let the people express themselves. The more risks you take and let individuals take responsibility, the better chances of improvement. I am eagerly waiting for the leadership module, I hope I can transform my style.

The one thing that I very much like about the excellence model is the concept of win-win. Last week I phrased a question with. "Can we". The reply to this phrase by paul was that if yoy say can the answer is yes or no. But if we use the phrase ,"How could" we are focing ourselves to critically analyze. There is nothing right or wrong in this world, it's just about moving ahead.The same concept applies for lagging indicators. If I set a target and while trying to achieve it I am not able to get to the desired result , it puts us in a dilemma.Hence it becomes important to measure the results backed by processes. If the result is not desirable then we can go back to our enablers and reverse engineer and atleast improve, which is not the case with paired comparisons.

The only thing that I want to find answer to and discover more about is the application of the EFQM w.r.t organisations which are not very mature. The closest example that I can think of is the indian unorganised sector. The model sounds really great but I am want to look at it's application for a new business which doesn't have enough resources to carry such an assessment. As the year goes ahead I want to learn more about it. The change needs to happen and it needs to happen now. The business environment is too dynamic and it erquires an evolution mindset.

"We all should believe that we can be the leaders of change."

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  • Good post Saurabh. I agree that sustainable success in any field cannot be achieved through a quick … by Paul Roberts on this entry
  • Thank you for your thoughts Paul. Critically analysing the point, most of the business have short te… by Saurabh Kukreja on this entry
  • Lots of thoughts here Saurabh. Picking up on your last point, perhaps the starting point is to consi… by Paul Roberts on this entry

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