All entries for May 2015

May 15, 2015

Aphid bulletins

The latest editions of the Rothamsted Suction Trap Bulletin and AHDB Aphid News are attached. The information of interest to vegetable and salad growers is as follows:

  • Low numbers of peach–potato aphid are flying in central and southern England.
  • Mealy cabbage aphid has overwintered on some oilseed rape crops but is not flying yet.
  • The potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) has been caught in low numbers as far north as Kirton.
  • The willow–carrot aphid is flying throughout England, with numbers highest in eastern England.
  • Pea aphid and black bean aphid have both been caught in the South East this week.

ahdb_aphid_news_20150515.pdf bulletin_05_2015.pdf

May 13, 2015

HDC project FV 416b – cabbage root fly egg counts in Cornwall

The egg counts up to Monday 11th are as follows - they show the mean numbers of eggs found around a sample of 20 plants per location:





St Columb

























May 11, 2015

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Today we found:

  • 7 male and 11 female cabbage root flies (3 water traps)
  • 227 bean seed flies (3 traps)
  • 313 carrot flies (3 traps) in our overwintered carrots - flies emerging from pupae in the soil
  • 54 carrot flies (3 traps) in our new carrots - flies arriving from emergence site
  • 13 cabbage root fly eggs (15 cauliflower plants)

May 08, 2015

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Today we found:

  • 8 male and 4 female cabbage root flies (3 water traps)
  • 248 bean seed flies (3 traps)
  • 1 pollen beetle (3 traps)
  • 313 carrot flies (3 traps) in our overwintered carrots - flies emerging from pupae in the soil
  • 40 carrot flies (3 traps) in our new carrots - flies arriving from emergence site
  • 39 cabbage root fly eggs (15 cauliflower plants)

We have also started to count the numbers of willow-carrot aphids on our new carrots and found 5 winged and 2 wingless aphids on 3 x 0.5 m lengths of row of carrot.

Aphid bulletins

The latest editions of the Rothamsted Suction Trap Bulletin and AHDB Aphid News are attached. The information of interest to vegetable and salad growers is as follows:
  • The first two peach–potato aphids (Myzus persicae) have been caught this week, with first arrivals at Kirton and Hereford. The individual at Hereford was particularly early, 3 - 4 weeks earlier than the 10yr average and forecast.
  • A single potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) has been caught this week at Silwood.
  • No mealy cabbage aphids (Brevicoryne brassicae) or pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) have been caught in suction-traps so far this year.
  • There have been further field reports of overwintering colonies of mealy cabbage aphids in winter oilseed rape crops in southern England (Dorset).
  • The willow ̶ carrot aphid (Cavariella aegopodii) has been caught at four sites this week, with first arrivals at Silwood and Starcross.

May 05, 2015

HDC project FV 416b – cabbage root fly egg counts in Cornwall

The egg counts from today are as follows (20 plants):

  Helston Hayle Gwithian Truro St Columb
20-Apr 0.15 1.2 0.3 0.3 0.9
27-Apr 0.85 12 2.1 1.15 18
05-May 0.8 12.2 8.15 3.95 4.1

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Today we found:

  • 9 male and 2 female cabbage root flies (3 water traps)
  • 305 bean seed flies (3 traps)
  • 4 flea beetles (3 traps)
  • 357 carrot flies (3 traps)
  • 14 cabbage root fly eggs (15 cauliflower plants)

May 01, 2015

Aphid bulletins

The latest editions of the Rothamsted Suction Trap Bulletin and AHDB Aphid News are attached. During Bulletin Week 3 (20th-26th April) a drop in temperatures has slowed crop growth and restricted some aphid flights. The information of interest to vegetable and salad growers is as follows:

  • A first flush of potato aphids (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) has been caught this week, with five first arrivals, including a particularly early individual at Broom’s Barn, almost a month earlier than the 10yr average and forecast.

  • The willow ̶ carrot aphid (Cavariella aegopodii) has been caught at four sites this week, with first arrivals at Edinburgh, Kirton and Rothamsted.

  • No mealy cabbage aphids (Brevicoryne brassicae) have been caught in suction-traps so far this year. However there have been field reports of overwintering colonies of mealy cabbage aphids building in some winter oilseed rape crops in southern England.

ahdb_aphid_news_20150501.pdf bulletin_03_2015.pdf

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Today's 'captures' consist of:

  • 4 male and 1 female cabbage root flies (3 water traps)
  • 286 bean seed flies (3 traps)
  • 1 pollen beetle
  • 2 flea beetles (3 traps)
  • 126 carrot flies (3 traps)
  • 15 cabbage root fly eggs (15 cauliflower plants)

May 2015

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