All entries for March 2013

March 28, 2013

The cold spring weather….

Spring temperatures affect the timing of arrival of pest insects in crops as most insects develop faster, and therefore reproduce more rapidly, at higher temperatures (to an upper limit). Accumulated day-degrees are a simple but effective way of describing the warmth of the spring and the graph below compares accumulated day-degrees at Wellesbourne since 2010 using a threshold temperature of 0oC. Currently spring ‘2013’ is just a bit colder than ‘2010’, implying that pest arrivals will be ‘late’. However, if at some point we get a run of warm days then this could change the situation rapidly.

We will start to run the cabbage root fly and carrot fly forecasts for the Syngenta web site after Easter, which will give more specific information about these pests.


March 27, 2013

Aphid forecasts from Rothamsted Research

Rothamsted Research released their 'long-range' forecasts for the species of pest aphid that overwinter as adults/nymphs - cabbage aphid, peach-potato aphid and potato aphid.

The details are here: aphid_news_forecasts_2013.pdf

March 2013

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