May 08, 2015

Aphid bulletins

The latest editions of the Rothamsted Suction Trap Bulletin and AHDB Aphid News are attached. The information of interest to vegetable and salad growers is as follows:
  • The first two peach–potato aphids (Myzus persicae) have been caught this week, with first arrivals at Kirton and Hereford. The individual at Hereford was particularly early, 3 - 4 weeks earlier than the 10yr average and forecast.
  • A single potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) has been caught this week at Silwood.
  • No mealy cabbage aphids (Brevicoryne brassicae) or pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) have been caught in suction-traps so far this year.
  • There have been further field reports of overwintering colonies of mealy cabbage aphids in winter oilseed rape crops in southern England (Dorset).
  • The willow ̶ carrot aphid (Cavariella aegopodii) has been caught at four sites this week, with first arrivals at Silwood and Starcross.

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