July 21, 2015

Aphid and Turnip yellows virus News

Brassica virus and peach potato aphid update from Wellesbourne, Warwickshire:

  • 9-13/07/2015, Intermediate numbers of M. persicae were caught (12 yellow water traps), 60% of those tested were carrying TuYV.
  • 13-16/07/2015, High numbers of M. persicae were caught (12 yellow water traps), 69% of those tested were carrying TuYV.
  • 6-11/07/2015, From the Rothamsted Insect Survey suction trap catch, 18 M. persicae were identified, 64% of those tested were carrying TuYV.

Brassica virus and peach potato aphid update from Kirton, Lincolnshire:

  • 9-13/07/2015, High numbers of M. persicae were caught (12 yellow water traps), 85% of those tested were carrying TuYV.
  • 13-16/07/2015, 11 M. persicae were caught (12 yellow water traps), 73% of these were carrying TuYV.
  • 6-11/07/2015, From the Rothamsted Insect Survey suction trap catch, 48 M. persicae were identified, 79% of those tested were carrying TuYV.

Turnip Yellows Virus (TuYV), formerly known as Beet western yellows virus, is a very important pathogen of vegetable brassicas and oilseed rape. It is spread by the peach potato aphid (Myzus persicae). This data is collected with funding from the BBSRC Horticulture And Potato Initiative (HAPI).

Press release on the new round of HAPI projects involving the University of Warwick

Diana Katschnig and Angela Hambidge, Plant-Virus Interactions Group, University of Warwick

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  • Update – Wellesbourne, 09–15/10/2017, Suction, 12 caught, 0% carrying TuYV Kirton, 09–15/10/2017, Su… by Angela Hambidge on this entry
  • Update Spalding 28/9 02/10/2017 YWT 12 caught, 25% carrying TuYV. by Angela Hambidge on this entry
  • Update – Wellesbourne 02 – 08/10/2017 Suction, 11 caught, 14% carrying TuYV 09 – 12/10/2017 YWT, 1 c… by Angela Hambidge on this entry
  • Update – Wellesbourne 11/9 – 17/9/2017 Suction trap 1 aphid 0% carrying TuYV Wellesbourne 21/9 – 25/… by Angela Hambidge on this entry
  • Update – Kirton, Lincolnshire 28/8–03/09/2017 Suction trap 4 aphids 33% carrying TuYV Spalding, Linc… by Angela Hambidge on this entry

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