All entries for Friday 31 May 2013

May 31, 2013

First large narcissus flies found at Wellesbourne

We caught our first large narcissus flies of the year at Wellesbourne today.

Narcissus fly

Willow carrot aphids found at Wellesbourne

We also checked our carrots for willow-carrot aphids (some were captured in the Wellesbourne suction trap last week). There were 5 winged aphids in total on 3 x 0.5 metre lengths of carrot row.


Pest update from Wellesbourne

Today we have recovered:

30 carrot flies (3 traps)

29 cabbage root fly eggs (15 plants)

36 bean seed flies (3 traps)

No moths (we have traps for silver Y moth, turnip moth, diamond-back moth).

Captures in our yellow water traps are summarised here: insects_captured_in_yellow_water_traps_located_in_swede_plots_at_warwick_crop_centre_31_may.pdf

Coldest spring for more than 50 years

Writing about web page

Lower than average temperatures over the past fortnight have helped put this spring on track to be the coldest in more than 50 years, according to early provisional statistics from the Met Office.

Latest information from the Rothamsted Insect Survey

Writing about web page

The latest aphid bulletin has just been released.2013webbulletin5.pdf.

  • No Myzus persicae have been trapped yet.
  • One Macrosiphum euphorbiae was captured at Starcross.
  • Wiilow carrot aphids have been captured at Starcross, Writtle, Wellesbourne, Broom's Barn and Preston, but in relatively low numbers.

This document, prepared by the Rothamsted team, summarises information relevant to the pest aphids of field vegetables aphid_news20130531.pdf.

You can see historical and current information on aphid captures presented graphically here.

May 2013

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