All entries for Saturday 29 November 2014

November 29, 2014

Update on Rothamsted suction trap captures

The latest issues of the Rothamsted aphid bulletin and AHDB Aphid News have just been released: 2014webbulletin34.pdfahdb_aphid_news_20141128.pdf.

The suction-traps are now emptied weekly. Today’s bulletin reports the last daily records for the year. Numbers of aphids flying are similar to the previous week, the generally warm weather extending the flight period.


Aphid flight into crops (primary infection)

Numbers of peach–potato aphid are also a little above average. If there has been good control of aphids to this point and they can’t be found in crops, the danger is probably passed.

Aphid movement within crops (secondary spread)

Conditions are still permitting aphid development, reproduction and movement within crops and, if aphids can be found easily, measures to control them (and hence reduce the risk of virus spread) remain justified. There is no sign in the forecast of the weather getting cold enough to kill aphids anywhere over the next ten days.

November 2014

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