All entries for Tuesday 29 July 2014
July 29, 2014
Pest update from Wellesbourne
Between Friday (25th) and Tuesday (29th) we captured:
- 24 carrot flies on traps in this year's crop of carrots (3 traps).
- Carrot fly numbers still have not increased as 'expected' and it may be that the recent hot weather has caused at least some of the population to aestivate in the pupal stage. A similar thing happened at this time last year and although we captured low numbers of flies over an extended period, damage was high when we harvested our trials in the early autumn.
We collected a total of 96 cabbage root fly eggs from around our 15 newly-planted cauliflower plants.
The 3 yellow water traps caught:
7 male and 33 female cabbage root flies
- 23 bean seed flies
- 8 pollen beetles
- 93 flea beetles
- 1 small white butterfly and we have started to see caterpillar damage on our untreated Brussels sprout plants.
There were 2 silver Y moths, no diamond-back moths and no turnip moths (2 pheromone traps per species).