All entries for Thursday 25 July 2013

July 25, 2013

Insects on brassicas at Wellesbourne

Pest activity is now starting to take off on the brassica plots at Wellesbourne. The pests include:

  • Cabbage aphids
  • Large white butterfly and small white butterfly eggs
  • Garden pebble moth (Evergestis forficalis) caterpillars - which have caused a lot of damage to 5-6 adjacent plants in a Brussels sprout plot

Some of the cabbage aphids have been parasitised and they are also being consumed by ladybirds and hover fly larvae.

Here are some images.

Wellesbourne update

Today we found:

  • 28 carrot flies - 3 traps
  • 209 cabbage root fly eggs (15 plants)
  • 16 bean seed flies - 3 traps
  • 20 flea beetles, 39 pollen beetles, 1 large white butterfly, 1 small white butterfly
  • 1 turnip moth - 2 traps
  • 6 silver Y moths - 2 traps

Conditions are favourable for foliar pests of brassica crops - aphids, caterpillars, flea beetles - and all are evident on plots at Wellesbourne.

July 2013

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