All entries for Thursday 18 July 2013

July 18, 2013

Leaf miners

We also found some leafminer damage on our swede plots - not as heavy yet as in previous years.

Leaf miner

Conditions good for development of aphid infestations

Whilst there have been few Brevicoryne brassicae flying so far this year, conditions have been good for development of infestations on plants (warm and dry). Liam Harvey, one of our HDC PhD students infested his plots with Brevicoryne earlier on and the picture below shows what an impact they can have. The inner plants were infested, the outer plants were 'guards'.


Aphids on our brassicas

A tour of our plots yesterday showed a recent influx of winged aphids - some Myzus persicae and some Brevicoryne brassicae. There are some small colonies of Brevicoryne brassicae on our swede plot (below).


There are also a few predators about - ladybirds and hover fly larvae (below):


July 2013

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