All entries for Friday 09 May 2014

May 09, 2014

Pest update from Wellesbourne – 9th May

The water trap samples for today have not been sorted yet.

However, there were:

  • 55 cabbage root fly eggs (from 15 cauliflower plants)
  • 265 carrot flies on the traps in the newly-sown plot (the traps in the overwintered carrots have been removed).
  • 1 diamond-back moth (2 traps).

Rothamsted suction trap captures for week ending 4 May

This alert summarises up-to-date results from the Rothamsted/SASA suction-trap (ST) network and the FERA yellow water-pan trap (YWT) network: ahdb_aphid_news_20140509.pdf

Most aphids, as predicted, are flying two to four weeks earlier than usual. This is mainly as a result of the mild winter, helped by the favourable conditions of spring. The very wet winter does not appear to have had a major impact. Spring crops, especially if sown/planted later than usual are expected to be at higher than usual risk from aphids.

Peach–potato aphid is flying earlier and in larger numbers than usual. The potato aphid has been caught as far north as Elgin. Cabbage aphid is already on the wing in the far South and is expected generally to fly earlier than usual.

Willow–carrot aphid is flying throughout England a week or so earlier than usual.

Pea aphid is flying in the South East two to four weeks earlier than usual.

Pest update Tuesday, 6th May

Between Friday (2nd) and Tuesday (6th) we captured:

  • 178 carrot flies on traps in the overwintered carrots (3 traps)
  • 915 carrot flies on traps in newly-emerged carrots (3 traps)

In the 3 water traps:

  • 111 male and 25 female cabbage root flies
  • 372 bean seed flies
  • 15 pollen beetles

We collected a total of 102 cabbage root fly eggs from around 15 cauliflower plants (planted 15 April).

We caught 1 diamond-back moth (2 traps.)

We have pheromone traps out for European tarnished plant bug and common green capsid - and caught 1 European tarnished plant bug.

May 2014

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