All entries for Saturday 07 June 2014

June 07, 2014

Rothamsted suction trap samples for the week ending 1st June

The information below relates to suction-trap samples collected during Bulletin Week 9: 26/5-1/6. ahdb_aphid_news_20140606.pdf2014webbulletin9.pdf

Aphid flight activity increased slowly as the unsettled weather improved towards the end of the week. Field reports suggest that natural enemy pressure is also increasing, in particular ladybirds and aphid parasitoids.

  • Numbers of peach–potato aphid (Myzus persicae) have increased in the south eastern England, but still none in our Scottish suction-traps.
  • The potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae) was caught across the Country in low numbers.
  • The pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) was caught at eight sites in low numbers this week.
  • The mealy cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae) was caught at five sites this week in low numbers. Field reports have been received of heavy infestations on volunteer OSR in Kent.
  • The willow carrot aphid (Cavariella aegopodii) migration continued this week, with highest numbers at Preston, Kirton and in Scotland.
  • A single currant-lettuce aphid (Nasonovia ribisnigri) was caught at each of Preston and Writtle.
  • A single black bean aphid (Aphis fabae) was caught at each of Elgin, Dundee, Gogarbank, Preston and Writtle.

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between Tuesday (3rd) and Friday (6th) we found:

  • 86 carrot flies on traps in this year's carrots (3 traps)
  • 1 winged and 7 wingless willow-carrot aphids on 3 x 0.5 m lengths of carrot row (29 May)

In the 3 water traps in the 'new' cauliflower plot:

  • 0 male and 7 female cabbage root flies
  • 37 bean seed flies
  • 3 pollen beetles
  • 18 flea beetles
  • 1 cabbage stem weevil

We collected a total of 21 cabbage root fly eggs from around 15 cauliflower plants (planted 15 April).

There were no diamond-back or turnip moths, but we caught one silver Y moth.

June 2014

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