All entries for Saturday 03 May 2014

May 03, 2014

Pest update from Wellesbourne

Between Tuesday and Friday (2 May) we captured:

  • 117 carrot flies on traps in the overwintered carrots (3 traps)
  • 539 carrot flies on traps in newly-emerged carrots (3 traps)

In the 3 water traps:

  • 62 male and 11 female cabbage root flies
  • 300 bean seed flies
  • 3 pollen beetles
  • 1 flea beetle

We collected a total of 42 cabbage root fly eggs from around 15 cauliflower plants (planted 15 April).

We have pheromone traps out for European tarnished plant bug and common green capsid - and caught 2 European tarnished plant bugs.

Rothamsted suction trap captures week ending 27th April

One particularly good day out of seven during Bulletin Week 4: 21/4-27/4 was enough to ratchet up the aphids caught in the suction-trap samples ahdb_aphid_news_20140502.pdf.

  • Ten peach-potato aphids were caught this week (Broom’s Barn 5, Writtle, 1 Wye 3, Starcross 1).
  • Seven potato aphids were caught including first arrivals at Elgin, Writtle and Wye, all earlier that the 10-year means.
  • First arrivals of pea aphid at 3 new sites ties in with field reports of pea aphids at low levels in pea and bean crops.
  • The first cabbage aphid this year was caught at Wye and coincides with a field report of cabbage aphids in rape in Kent
  • The spring migration of willow carrot aphid got underway this week with 5 new arrivals. This ties in the HDC Pest Bulletin willow-carrot aphid forecast.

Aphids in general are appearing much earlier that average and in line with the predictions made in early March.

May 2014

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