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February 01, 2007

Showcase: Arts E–learning at a glance home page

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I have just completed the second of my new showcase posters, ready for the Arts Faculty E-learning Lunch Exhibition on the 9th February. This poster is one of two showcases that demonstrates ways of creating an “at a glance” page.

Arts E-learning Homepage design

It illustrates various technical features, both standard and custom, including:

  • embedded forum, with html content wrapped around it;
  • a rotating headlines feed from a Newsbuilder page;
  • a highlights panel, giving a list of the currently most interesting pages;
  • an “e-elearning talk” panel listing in date-time order the latest blog entries containing the tag “e-learning” and the latest messages from our forum.

I also talk about the need to balance getting lots of information and links in one place with the need to keep people focussed on the most important and currently relevant tasks, news and events. I don’t think my page does that particularly well, but it at least illustrates the issue.

You can see the poster as a PDF file.

And the page itself is at http://go.warwick.ac.uk/arts-elearning
(publicly accesible).

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