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March 02, 2007

Good response to the Warwick Podcasting Workshop

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Yesterday we (the E-learning Advisor Team) and the Communications Office (Tom Abbott) ran a half day workshop on podcasting and using MP3 audio.

Around 50 people attended from across the university. It seemed to be a big success. The discussions were lively and productive, resulting in a plan of action for extending and supporting podcasting at Warwick.

My set of showcase examples was well receieved, and shaped the discussions as planned. Sean Allan (German), Tom Abbott (Warwick Podcasts) and David Davies (Medical School) contributed great presentations about their own work.

Katharine Widdows of the library has written her own response to the sessions. I’m particularly interested in her idea of linking audio commentary to a map of the library. That should be easy using Steve Carpenters new event based audio player.

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