August 27, 2004

Ebay attracts nutters! Mutley still for sale.

Follow-up to Mutley must go! from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

Okay, Ebay is a terrible way to sell a bike! Just before the bidding was complete, an American from Sweden emailed me some questions, which I answered. He then telephoned me to ask some really dumb questions. I actually had to work hard to convince him that it's an old bike not worth much more than £500. Anyhow, he won the auction at £670, and then decided that he wanted to pay by paypal or bankers draft, not the cash as specified. Plus, he wanted to fly to UK, collect the bike and ride it to Newcastle, then take it by ferry to Sweden. The whole scenario seemed absurd. Finally he phoned to try to get me to deliver the bike to Sidcup! So i said i'd get another buyer. I really don't have time for this.

On the good side, CW's are going to equip my GS with a complete Tesch off-road pannier kit. Superb! So now i must choose a new route to Dakar just to try them out. (And that would be the route that doesn't involve getting hit on the head on a Spanish motorway).

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