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All entries for Wednesday 28 February 2007

February 28, 2007

Warwick Podcasting Showcase February 2007

I’m running a 45 minute “showcasing” session tomorrow as part of the Warwick Podcasts workshop. Here is the list of examples that will be covered, with links, along with notes about what I will demonstrate.

Example 1: Katherine Astbury, French Studies
A podcast lecture in four parts.
Demonstration of embedding a media file into a Sitebuilder page.

Example 1.1: MP3 embedded in a blog entry
A short clip from a seminar embedded in a blog entry about the seminar.
Demonstrate how to embed MP3 into a blog entry.

Example 2: Lisa Lavendar, History Department
Historiography lectures, part of the forthcoming Online MA.
Postgraduate SSLC meetings asked for this, especially useful for part time students. This course is a third year undergraduate course, but a foundation also for postgraduate study. May also be used for distance learning. Uses Microtrack and lapel microphone. Minor editing wth audacity. Quality does not have to be perfect, just listenable.

Example 3: Sarah Richardson, History Department
Weekly topic and lecture introductions.
Enhances understanding and preparation for the lectures.

Example 4: Sean Allan, German Studies
Podcast to support year abroad students completing admin tasks.

Example 5: Sean Allan, German Studies
Audio to support vocabulary learning.

Example 6: Sean Allan, German Studies
Audio synchronised with a text.
Explain how this was done, and plans for developing a user interface that will allow anyone to produce an annotated and linked mp3 or video.

Example 7: Tom Abbott, Communications Office
Award winning series of interviews with researchers, presented using Sitebuilder podcast page type. Listeners can subscribe and download onto MP3 players.
Demonstrate how listeners can subscribe using iTunes.

Example 8: Careers podcasts
A series of podcasts concerning careers. Created as a podcast service to which users can “subscribe”.

Example 9: David Davies, Medical School
Advanced use of RSS, keyword tagging and aggregation in the medical curriculum.

Other useful links

MP3 recorders

ELAT Tools evaluation loans http://go.warwick.ac.uk/
Solid State Sound http://www.solidstatesound.co.uk (university supplier)

Editing Software

Adobe Audition http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/audition/
Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
Garage Band (Apple) http://www.apple.com/ilife/garageband/

Listening and subscribing to podcasts

Apple iTunes http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
Juice (cross platform) http://juicereceiver.sourceforge.net/
Fireant http://getfireant.com/
Newsfire (Mac) http://www.newsfirerss.com/

Podcast directories