All entries for Tuesday 18 May 2004

May 18, 2004

Meeting with Keith Ansell Pearson

Follow-up to Ideas for philosophy PhD work from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

Well the meeting with Keith went very well. He was full of enthusiasm for the various losely connected projects that I'm involved in, and for the idea of me doing a PhD.

His advice was to start doing a part-time PhD, which seems a little less intensive now that the time span for it is longer. I'll need to write and submit a proposal, but as I'm not applying for funding, I can be a bit more flexible about spending time at the start working out a more precise definition of what I want to research.

He was particularly interested in the possibility of writing about Guattari and aesthetics, which is something that i've blogged about in the past. I would also like to connect this to Guattari and Foucault's ideas about pedagogy.

I will be compiling some info for Keith about blogging and how it can be used in research and teaching, and also about the Virtual Mead system as I hope to get him to create an exhibition in it.

Very exciting!

Ideas for philosophy PhD work

I'm meeting top Deleuze expert (and ***collapse contributor) Keith Ansell Pearson today to discuss possible gradaute (PhD?) study in the Philosophy Department. I haven't had much time to think about an actual proposal, but have a few vague notions connected to his book Germinal Life and issues related to introducing e-learning into different academic disciplines.
Here's a few random strands….

  • How different academic disciplines form, how they are maintained, different systems of knowledge, how they operate together.
  • Regimes of spatiality within different academic disciplines. How these regimes remain implicit. Foucault on space. Regimes of spatiality and technology in academic disciplines. Related to work with the 3D Visualization Group an some interesting ideas from Hugh Denard.
  • How regimes of space relate to duration as time experienced – Bergson, Deleuze, Ansell Pearson.
  • Ethics of non-deterministic causality.