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All entries for Tuesday 09 November 2004

November 09, 2004

I have reorganised my categories to fit with semantic cartography

Follow-up to Semantic cartography to support conceptual development through blogs from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

As you should be able to see in the category listing on the left of this page, I have reorganised my categories to support the work/research workflow that I am using (and encouraging others to try).

I have made a top-level distinction between the two areas of research with which this blog is concerned, philosophy and e-learning. I have created a research category for each of these. For example, Philosophy Research. For each of these two categories, I have also created an associated definitions category. For example, Philosophy Definitions. These will contain the concept defining and scoping entries that will be refered to within the research entries. This should give me some of the functionality that will be used for semantic cartography.

I have also created a PDP category, which I will now start to use. This will help me to understand the benefits of the PDP approach that we are promoting.

The Travel and Bikes category has been renamed to Travel and Motorcycles to signify that it refers to proper bikes rather than toy ones.


Follow-up to Excellent David Burrows exhibition at the Mead – New Life from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

…is the organisation of time and space.

  • the employement of repetitive figures to extend space infinitely;
  • the staging of an irrevesible event;
  • the construction of reversible temporal flows within contained space.

Habits and habitats.

"Larval consciousness" – Difference and Repetition – see Contagium Vivum Philosophia

Plan for introduction to PDP using blogs for history students

Later today Kay and I will be doing a presentation to all of the History Department 1st year undergrads. We will explain to them PDP, convince them that it is essential, and show them how blogs can help them with it. The plan for my half of the session, specifically about blogs, is below…

What is a blog (show blog and demo features)?

  • a sophisticated online notebook or journal;
  • belongs to a single person, the blog owner;
  • the owner chooses the title and design of the blog;
  • the owner creates categories into which they can organise their entries.
  • the owner writes entries in the blog;
  • the owner decides on who can read and comment on each entry;
  • every blog has a url that starts with http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/ and includes the name of the owner.
  • a blog directory for finding people's blogs (see blog homepage).

Get them to write down my url, then comment on this entry.

How does using a blog help with skills, PDP and academic work?

Your PDP category:

You can use your PDP categeory to:

  • write about how you have used, developed, and are improving your communication, IT, problem solving, study and research skills;
  • record and share your plans;
  • write about how you are organising your time;
  • reflect upon your learning and your successes.

You can easily share these entries with your fellow students, your tutor, or the whole world. You can also restrcict access to yourself. Demonstrate writing an entry.

Academic and other categories:

You may be asked to create a category that is linked to a module. You may want to create other course related categories. You can use these to record and reflect on:

  • meetings, lectures, seminars, tutorials;
  • your responses to questions and ideas asked by your lecturers;
  • your ideas, work and writing;
  • books and other resources that you are using (book reviews);
  • definitions of key terms.

Your blog is an ideal place to try out ideas and to see what other people think.

A good thing to do is to record your academic work in these categories, and then reflect upon the PDP aspects of them in your PDP category. You can use the write follow up option to write a related entry (demo this by writing a follow up entry).

Soon you will also recieve emails that suggest things for you to write about. These are optional, but hopefully will be useful. We call them prompts.

More things that you can do with blogs:

  • you can very easily write book, CD and DVD (movie) reviews;
  • you can find people's blogs in the blog directory;
  • it includes an "About Me" page that you can use as your homepage;
  • you can upload images into galleries and use them in your entries;
  • select key entries from your blog to add to your CV;
  • more coming soon!

Get a blog at http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk

Sign in, then register.


philosophy was something Greek – although brought by immigrants. The birth of philosophy required an encounter between the Greek milieu and the plane of immanance of thought. It required the conjunction of two very different movements of deterritorialization, the relative and the absolute, the first already at work in immanence. Absolute deterritorialization on the plane of thought had to be aligned or directly connected with the relative deterritorialization of Greek society. Deleuze, What Is Philosophy?, p.93
Chaos is an infinte speed of birth and disappearance. Now philosophy wants to know how to retain infinite speeds while gaining consistency, by giving the virtual a consistency specific to it. What is Philosophy? p.118

…conceptual experimentation without limit but with a principle of consistency, direction, becoming something.

The philosophical sieve, as plane of immanance that cuts through chaos, selects infinite movements of thought and is filled with concepts formed like consistent particles going as fast as thought. What is Philosophy? p.118