November 09, 2004

I have reorganised my categories to fit with semantic cartography

Follow-up to Semantic cartography to support conceptual development through blogs from Transversality - Robert O'Toole

As you should be able to see in the category listing on the left of this page, I have reorganised my categories to support the work/research workflow that I am using (and encouraging others to try).

I have made a top-level distinction between the two areas of research with which this blog is concerned, philosophy and e-learning. I have created a research category for each of these. For example, Philosophy Research. For each of these two categories, I have also created an associated definitions category. For example, Philosophy Definitions. These will contain the concept defining and scoping entries that will be refered to within the research entries. This should give me some of the functionality that will be used for semantic cartography.

I have also created a PDP category, which I will now start to use. This will help me to understand the benefits of the PDP approach that we are promoting.

The Travel and Bikes category has been renamed to Travel and Motorcycles to signify that it refers to proper bikes rather than toy ones.

- 3 comments by 2 or more people Not publicly viewable

  1. Julie Moreton

    Could my brain have its semantic cartographies rearranged please?

    11 Nov 2004, 14:28

  2. Robert O'Toole

    This could be arranged, although I believe it is a painfull process involving surgery, mystic music and flashing lights.

    11 Nov 2004, 16:24

  3. Julie Moreton

    Oh I don't know – sounds like fun. Where do I sign up?

    Hey, perhaps we could do a 'semantic cartography surgery' live on the web along the lines of that awful 'Plastic Surgery Live' thing. Wonder if Vanessa is busy?

    17 Nov 2004, 18:25

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