All entries for May 2017
May 30, 2017
Conditional Convergence in Probability
Convergence in probability is the simplest form of convergence for random variables: for any positive ε it must hold that P[ | Xn - X | > ε ] → 0 as n → ∞. This kind of convergence is easy to check, though harder to relate to first-year-analysis convergence than the associated notion of convergence almost surely: P[ Xn → X as n → ∞] = 1.
Convergence in probability is implied by convergence almost surely (most direct proof: express convergence almost surely in terms of more elementary events using countable unions and intersections and do some simple reasoning on the result), but is not implied by it. On the other hand a sequence of random variables that converges in probability always has a sub-sequence that converges almost surely. Moreover if every sub-sequence of a sequence of random variables contains a sub-sub-sequence that converges almost surely, then the original sequence converges in probability.
While studying the application of Dirichlet forms to Markov chain Monte Carlo (developing the work of Zanella et al, 2017), the following convergence-in-probability question arose:
Work on a given probability space (Ω, F, P). Suppose that random variables X1, X2, ... converge to X in probability.
Given a sub-σ-algebra G < F, is it the case that random variables X1, X2, ... converge to X in G-conditional probability?
In other words, is it the case that, for every ε>0,
If the conditioning is simply a conditioning on a single event of positive probability, then the answer is yes; consider that
so P[ An | B ] will converge to zero if P[ An ] does.
However the general answer is, of course, no. In a nutshell, consider a sequence of random variables that converges in probability but not almost surely. Condition on the entire sequence(!), thus rendering it entirely deterministic. There is a positive chance that the conditioned sequence fails to converge; and if so then it cannot converge in (conditional) probability. We now give an explicit example of a sequence that converges in probability but not almost surely, and spell out the details of why conditional convergence in probability then fails.
Consider a Uniform random variable U defined on [0, 1), using the usual Lebesgue σ-algebra F. Define X1, X2, ... as follows: consider the ensemble of events [(k-1)2-m, k2-m ) for k = 1, ..., m and m= 1, 2, ... Order these and let Xn be the indicator random variable corresponding to the nth event, while X= 0.. Then P[ Xn =1]=2-m if Xn is the indicator random variable corresponding to [(k-1)2-m, k2-m ), hence P[ | Xn - X | > ε ] → 0 if 0 < ε < 1. So certainly X1, X2, ... converge to X in probability. On the other hand, if G = F then almost surely the sequence X1, X2, ... contains infinitely many 1's as well as infinitely many 0's, so similarly for P[ | Xn - X | > ε | G ] = [Xn = 0], so almost surely P[ | Xn - X | > ε | G ] can never converge.
More generally, this sort of problem arises whenever the σ-algebra G contains a random variable whose distribution is not atom-free.
Exactly the same argument shows that Lp convergence does not imply "conditional Lp convergence".
However the facts that
- convergence in probability implies existence of almost surely convergent subsequences,
- while convergence in probability itself is implied by existence of almost surely convergent sub-subsequences for every subsequence,
can be used to evade the issues raised here. For example, in the case of the application of Dirichlet forms to Markov chain Monte Carlo, even though convergence in probability is not preserved under conditioning, these considerations can be used to prove a strategic conditional CLT ...
Zanella, G., Bédard, M., & Kendall, W. S. (2017). A Dirichlet Form approach to MCMC Optimal Scaling. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, to appear, 22pp.